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Home heating blogs relating to oil and renewable technologies for industry professionals and homeowners

What heat pump installers need to know about R290

Technical, Renewable

What heat pump installers need to know about R290

R290 refrigerant, which is commercially known as refrigerant grade Propane, is being increasingly used in air source heat pumps because it is a more eco-friendly refrigerant option. If you are a heat pump installer interested in working with R290 heat pumps, there are some important differences you need to be familiar with. In this blog, we will go into detail about the importance of understanding R290 refrigerant including safety considerations and best practices for installation.

The importance of MCS accreditation – a guide for installers


The importance of MCS accreditation – a guide for installers

Air source heat pump installations which achieve MCS certification will not only comply with the high standards set by this organisation but they can also be eligible for government funding, such as the Boiler Upgrade Scheme. Installers looking to install MCS certified heat pump systems can do so either by becoming MCS accredited themselves or by partnering with MCS certification umbrella schemes. Here, we explain these pathways in more detail and explain how Grant UK can support installers with achieving MCS accreditation for their heat pump installations.

Air Source Heat Pumps in New Builds – what installers and developers need to know

Legislation, Renewable

Air Source Heat Pumps in New Builds – what installers and developers need to know

Over the last few years, the number of new build developments making the transition from gas boilers to cleaner, renewable heating systems has been increasing. With the Future Homes Standard due to come into effect in 2025, all developers and their installers will need to be confident about low carbon heating systems because the installation of fossil fuel boilers in new build properties will be banned. In this blog, we take a closer look at installing heat pumps in the new build sector, exploring Government legislation and installation best practices.

How can installers improve their Air Source Heat Pump knowledge?

Technical, Renewable

How can installers improve their Air Source Heat Pump knowledge?

Air source heat pumps are going to be a major part of the landscape as we look ahead to a future where homes are kept warm with low carbon heating systems. For installers and heating engineers yet to make the move to renewables, the heat pump sector is an exciting field to work in but it may appear daunting at first. In this blog, we will share some advice about how installers can develop their heat pump knowledge with training, online resources and more.

What is the Home Energy Scotland Grant and Loan Scheme?


What is the Home Energy Scotland Grant and Loan Scheme?

The Home Energy Scotland (HES) Grant and Loan Scheme provides eligible homeowners with a grant, an interest free loan or combination of both that can be used towards the costs of installing renewable technology in their homes, including air source heat pumps. In this blog, we explain more about what the HES Scheme is, the funding available and its eligibility requirements.

Can you retrofit an air source heat pump?

Renewable, Technical

Can you retrofit an air source heat pump?

The short answer to this question is yes, an air source heat pump can be retrofitted into an existing or older property. However, to ensure that the heat pump can work efficiently to fulfil the heating demand of older properties, installers must ensure sufficient energy efficiency measures are in place and that the system has been accurately designed. This blog explores the topic of retrofitting heat pumps and the important installation steps installers need to follow.

A Grant Aerona 290 heat pump installation render


What is R290 Refrigerant?

Air source heat pumps use refrigerants to help them convert heat energy from the air outside and use this to provide heating to our homes. For the last few years, R32 refrigerant has been commonly used in heat pumps and as heat pump technology has evolved, the type of refrigerant used in some heat pumps is also changing. In this blog, we take a closer look at R290 refrigerant and its role in home heating.

The Aerona Smart Heat Pump Controller


How to control your heat pump

Grant Aerona³ air source heat pumps are straightforward to control using the controller that is supplied with can be purchased alongside each unit and, when used with suitable third-party controls, homeowners can also manage their system via an app. While controlling a Grant heat pump is simple, it is important the required control values are correctly set as Matthew Beales, Regional Sales Manager at Grant UK, explains in this blog.

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