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Corporate Social Responsibility Hub

Our Community

As a business, we have a responsibility to support the local community. Our community engagement focuses on three key areas - youth, charity and employment.

Grassroots Community Programme with Bath Rugby

In our capacity as the Official Grassroots and Sustainability Partner of Bath Rugby Club, we have been working with this local premiership rugby club to deliver a Community Sustainability Programme to local primary schools. In early 2024, our programme with Bath Rugby was delivered to schoolchildren at some primary schools based in Wiltshire, Bath and the surrounding area. Combining classroom-based activities with rugby activities, this community initiative aimed to raise awareness about sustainability amongst nearly 900 schoolchildren visited, educating them about the changes we can all make to reduce our impact on the environment.

Grant UK Highly Commended at EST Awards 2024

Our Kick the Carbon programme with local schools was Highly Commended at the Energy Saving Awards 2024 for Energy Awareness Campaign of the Year. Learn more about the impact of this initiative and the feedback received from the schools here.

This engaging programme of education formed part of Grant UK and Bath Rugby’s established Kick the Carbon campaign which strives to raise the profile of being sustainable, with a focus on sustainability in home heating. Discover more about Kick the Carbon here.

Charitable Support

Another way that we support the local community is by fundraising for charities which are nominated and selected by employees. The Wiltshire & Bath Air Ambulance is our current charity who we started to support in 2019. To date, Grant UK has donated £75,000 to this local charity and we are continuing to support the Wiltshire & Bath Air Ambulance throughout 2025.

Wiltshire & Bath Air Ambulance is a local charity based in Melksham, whose essential work and service could be needed by any one of us at some point in our lives. Grant UK’s employees are central to our fundraising activities which is why we feel it is important for them to be part of the selection process. Through a range of virtual events and face to face fundraisers, the Grant Team have reached wonderful fundraising totals over the years – to read more, please follow the links below:

2019 fundraising - £10,000 donation
2020 fundraising - £10,000 donation 
2021 fundraising - £15,000 donation 
2022 fundraising - £10,000 donation
2023 fundraising - £20,000 donation
2024 fundraising - £10,000 donation

Supporting Local Youth Clubs

Grant UK’s head offices have always been based in Wiltshire and over the years, we have sponsored local sports clubs and activities for the younger members of the community. For example, in 2020, we sponsored one of the teams at Devizes Town Youth Football Club, an organisation which is run by volunteers who provide football to boys and girls between the ages of 3 years up to 18 years. More recently, Grant UK has sponsored Melksham RFC’s mini and junior section rugby teams, another local grassroots sports club which is supporting the development of young players and home-grown talent. We are also proud Corporate Partners of Bath Rugby Club.

Providing financial support to organisations that are helping the next generation is something that Grant UK is proud to do. For further updates and announcements, please follow our News page.

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