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Corporate Social Responsibility Hub

Our People

We care for and invest in our people, so they feel supported, happy, and healthy every day. We have developed a comprehensive health and well-being package and provide numerous learning and development opportunities to enable our team members to grow and have fulfilling, successful careers.

Company Culture

As a family owned and run company, we have a strong and supportive culture at the heart of our operation.

Our company culture and brand are firmly aligned. We know that how we think and act on the inside of the business can affect how Grant is perceived on the outside by our customers and other stakeholders. That is why we work hard to foster happy, caring, dedicated employees that will go that extra mile to support others. Positive relationships can encourage happy working environments and ensure that Grant employees feel engaged, respected, and valued as members of the team.

We also focus on helping those, outside of our organisation, adopt greener alternatives to heating, future proofing homes for their future generations, whilst also supporting our fellow employees and the environment in which we work and live to thrive.

Company Values

Our company values demonstrate how we behave, how we treat each other, how we communicate and how we present ourselves. We live by three core values:

We RESPECT - We respect our surroundings and treat others fairly, recognising individuality
We SUPPORT - We support our colleagues, customers and the community 
We CARE - We care for those around us - our people, our community and our environment

Career Development

The excellent standard of service that the Grant brand is known for has been established as a result of our hard-working team. We firmly believe that by helping our employees to learn and grow, they will not only develop their own expertise but they will also be in a stronger position to provide our external customers with the support they need. The Employee Training Programme is therefore a key part of our business.

All members of the Grant Team have access to LinkedIn Learning, an online platform through which they can access thousands of courses to develop their skills. We strongly feel that employees should receive regular training on our products and services so a range of in-house training is provided with eLearning modules also available to make learning accessible to fit in around work and home.

We are also very proud that so many of our team members have been with Grant UK for a number of years, progressing their careers along the path towards management positions within the Company. You can read more about some of the longest standing members of our team here...

Mental Health & Wellbeing

Employers, employees and businesses all have a role to play in creating a working environment and community that can thrive. An essential part of personal development is an individual’s own wellbeing, so Grant UK support their employees by providing a range of resources and initiatives to aid their physical and mental health.

Employees have private medical care through Bupa as well accessing Medicash and YuLife which can provide financial support for medical treatments as well as a wealth of resources to nurture the mind and encourage a healthy, balanced lifestyle.

Throughout our offices, we have created spaces where employees can step away from their desks to take time out from the hustle of the working day. Our HQ premises have wellness and breakout areas as well as a gym, facilities which we have incorporated to provide our employees with a welcoming and enjoyable environment to work within. Away from the offices, the Grant Team is encouraged to get active with initiatives, such as Marching March, designed to help employees focus their minds on their own wellbeing.

Employee Focused Initiatives

Grant UK is signed up to the Cycle to Work Scheme, an initiative which is supported by the Government. Cycle to Work is a tax incentive scheme that rewards those who opt for the greener mode of transport of riding a bike to work. Through the Scheme, employees can save money and spread the cost of a new bike over twelve months. Consequently, our Team members who have joined this initiative, commuting to and from work on two wheels, are able to enjoy financial benefits as well as improved health and fitness.

Long Service Awards

We are committed to supporting the growth and development of all Grant team members ensuring they have long and fulfilling careers. As a result, we have a very low employee turnover with many individuals achieving significant long-service awards – 5 team members have already celebrated 20-year work anniversaries with us and 2 more will follow later this year.

Modern Slavery Act

As a Company, we strive to conduct our business operations in an ethical and transparent manner. Grant UK has policies in place which ensure that modern slavery and human trafficking is not taking place within the business or supply chain, and effective systems and controls are in place to safeguard this. Please follow the link here to read our Modern Slavery Policy in full.

Health & Safety

Grant UK is committed to ensuring the health, safety and welfare of its team members and it will, so far as is reasonably practicable, establish procedures and systems necessary to implement this commitment and to comply with its statutory obligations on health and safety..

We provide and maintain a healthy and safe working environment with the objective of minimising the number of instances of occupational accidents and illnesses. We pay particular attention to: 

  • maintaining the workplace in a safe condition and providing adequate facilities and arrangements for welfare at work 
  • providing a safe means of access to exit from the workplace 
  • the provision and maintenance of equipment and systems of work that are safe 
  • arrangements for ensuring health and safety in connection with the use, handling, storage and transport of articles and substances 
  • the provision of such information, instructions, training and supervision as is necessary to ensure the health and safety at work of its employees and other persons. 

Grant UK also recognises its duty to protect the health and safety of all visitors, including customers, contractors and temporary workers, as well as any members of the public who might be affected by our operations. 

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