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Case Study

Aerona³ 10kW heat pump upgrades Wiltshire farmhouse heating system

The 10kW Aerona3 heat pump installation is complete at the farmhouse
The farmhouse with its new Aerona³ heat pump installed.

A sixteen year old Wiltshire farmhouse has updated its heating system by replacing its original heat pump with a Grant Aerona³ air source heat pump. A new Quick Recovery hot water cylinder has also been installed, integrating the heat pump and the existing solar thermal system and resulting in an upgrade of the property’s renewable heating system.

In early 2023, when their original heat pump needed to be replaced, the owners of a farmhouse in Wiltshire started researching their options for a new renewable heating system. They chose an Aerona³ 10kW air source heat pump and a QR 250ltr Twin Coil hot water cylinder which were both installed by local G1 Installers, Rebecca Thursby and Ethan Newbery from Erigo Solar Ltd. The new heating system has been successfully installed alongside the property's existing solar thermal and solar PV systems. 

To read this case study in full, please visit our Knowledge Hub here.

G1 Installer Erigo Solar Ltd pictured with the new heat pump installation
G1 Installers, Rebecca Thursby and Ethan Newbery from Erigo Solar Ltd., pictured mid-installation with the new Grant heat pump.

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