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Digital resources now available to help engineers with oil boiler heat loss calculations

Digital resources now available to help engineers with oil boiler heat loss calculations

Grant UK has published new online content to support heating engineers and installers who need to complete heat loss calculations for their oil boiler installations. A new blog and free eLearning module are now available which talk through the steps involved with completing an oil boiler heat loss calculation.

The changes to Part L Building Regulations which came into effect earlier in June stipulate that a full room by room heat loss calculation needs to be carried out before installing an oil or gas boiler. To help installers with this new step, Grant UK has developed an Oil Boiler Heat Loss Calculator tool which is available to download via the G1 Portal. In addition, a new blog and eLearning module are also now online which guide installers through the calculator tool and how to use it.

In the blog, Grant UK’s Assistant Training Manager, Steve Ellison, provides a step-by-step guide to using the Oil Boiler Heat Loss Calculator. He also explains the purpose of a room-by-room calculation, giving engineers a context to this process. The blog is available to read by following the link here.

Meanwhile, to support the blog, a ten-minute eLearning module is also available via the Grant eLearning Academy. This on-demand tutorial provides a visual step-by-step guide to the calculator, talking through each of the tabs within the tool and providing an explanation for the data input which installers need to complete. The eLearning module is free to access so installers can log onto www.grantelearning.com and visit the course catalogue to enrol (new users to the Grant eLearning Academy will need to sign up and create an account using the enrolment key GUKPR0820).

It is hoped that installers and engineers will refer to both these digital resources as they use the calculator tool, with the blog serving as a handy step-by-step write up and the eLearning course providing a more visual explanation.

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