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End of Year Message from our MD Paul Wakefield

End of Year Message from our MD Paul Wakefield
Credit: Paul Wakefield, Managing Director Grant UK

2020 has not been the year that any of us could have envisaged when we set out our goals back in January. Covid-19 has impacted our daily lives in so many ways that it is difficult to predict what the future will look like beyond this virus. However, for all the troubles and disruption this has caused, there have been examples of great positivity and these are what we must hold onto and build upon as we enter into the New Year.

Grant UK has thankfully been able to remain open throughout most of the lockdown periods as the heating and building sectors were deemed to be essential services for consumers.  Amidst the restrictions, 2020 has seen some exciting developments for our Company with the launch of the Grant eLearning Academy and a rising sales demand for our air source heat pump packages.  Encouragingly, we have also seen increasing interest in renewable heating designs from both installers and consumers looking for sustainable heating solutions for their homes. With potential vaccines on the horizon, we all hope to be free from the constraints of Covid-19 in 2021/22 and I, for one, am looking forward to the introduction of a number of exciting new products which will take our business and customers’ businesses in new directions.

I would sum up this short post by saying two words, which may have been said a lot this year but their meaning is no less worthy – thank you! Thank you to our staff working mostly from home offices and also our warehouse and field based teams who have worked tirelessly throughout the ups and down of 2020, ensuring that products could be produced and business continuity could be maintained for our customers. Thank you to the merchants who have helped keep our products readily available and distributed throughout the country. And finally, thank you to our loyal band of installers who have faced one of the most difficult trading years in recent history, but I suspect also one of their busiest.  

On behalf of everyone at Grant UK, here’s to 2021, we wish you and your families a happy, healthy but safe and prosperous New Year.

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