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Grant UK support G1 Installers with digital assets for their social platforms

Grant UK support G1 Installers with digital assets for their social platforms

G1 Installers can now download digital content for use on their own social media platforms which can help them to promote their G1 status as well as raising awareness of the Grant products they install amongst their customers. Exclusively available to G1 Installers, these images can be accessed via the online G1 Portal.

Social media is playing an increasingly prominent role for all businesses with more and more heating engineers creating profiles for their companies on one or more of the mainstream platforms. Grant UK recognises that their G1 Installers now not only need product information in traditional formats, such as printed brochures, leaflets and data sheets, but digital content is also a key resource for installers to use to help their customers make informed decisions about the right heating system for their home. With this in mind, Grant UK have published a series of images that G1 installers can use and share in posts via their own social channels, further increasing the range of resources members can access through the G1 Scheme.

This brand new selection of digital content comprises of a variation of images allowing G1 Installers to select and utilise the assets which best complement their business. Each image is G1 branded, enabling members to promote their G1 installer status to their followers. For installers who specialise in one Grant technology, there are specific versions which solely promote either oil boilers or air source heat pumps. Meanwhile, for installers who fit a range of Grant products, there are multiple combinations that showcase both Grant renewable and oil boiler products in single assets.

All of the social media assets are available to download as .jpeg files from the online G1 Portal, an exclusive platform for G1 Installer members. Installers simply need to log onto their account, navigate to the ‘Downloads’ page using the menu on the left-hand side of their dashboard and then select the filter ‘Social Media Assets’ to see all the content available. They can then choose which ones they wish to use, download the images and save copies on their own devices to feature in their future social media posts.

“At the core of the G1 Scheme is support for our loyal members,” writes Anna Wakefield, Head of Marketing and Data Protection at Grant UK. “From extended guarantees through to sales leads, training and marketing support, the G1 Scheme delivers rewards and provides installer support in many ways. This new social content is just the latest way we are helping G1 installers to be equipped in the marketplace to best position their businesses in front of their customers, specifically online.

“We really hope this new digital content will be of value to members and we will be continuously adding to the bank of assets so installers can turn to the Portal for professional, fresh content for use today and in the future.”

If you are already a G1 Installer, please log on to your Portal – www.g1.grantuk.com – to download the social assets today. If you are not yet a member but interested in joining the G1 Scheme, please click here for further information.

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