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Grant Biomass & RHI tutorials on YouTube


We’ve just launched a full series of helpful biomass online videos – all of which are available to watch on our YouTube channel:


There are five short technical step by step tutorials on the installation, servicing and commissioning of the Grant Spira:

Grant Spira Boiler Overview

Grant Spira Installation Training

Grant Spira Commissioning Training

Grant Spira Service Training (Part 1)

Grant Spira Service Training (Part 2)

Grant Spiravac Training 

There are three short informative tutorials on biomass and the RHI:

Guide to Biomass – This explains in a clear and entertaining format what biomass is, the different fuel types that are available, exactly why biomass is carbon neutral and how it is used in heating systems.

Guide to the Domestic RHI – This tackles the Renewable Heat Incentive, how payments can be accessed and what paperwork is required to claim payments.

Guide to the Practicalities of Owning a Biomass Boiler – For homeowners seriously considering installing the technology or who have already purchased a Grant Spira.

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