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Grant eLearning Academy is unveiled

The Grant eLearning Academy includes live, instructor-led product courses
Join the Grant eLearning Academy today by visiting www.grantelearning.com

Grant UK is pleased to announce the launch of its new online eLearning Academy. Alongside the training delivered at Grant UK’s training centres, this new online eLearning platform will further increase the level of product training support the Company can deliver to installers, heating engineers and other heating professionals.

To meet the increasing demand for product training, in particular for air source heat pump training, Grant UK has expanded its Training Academy with the development and launch of a new online platform called the Grant eLearning Academy. The new eLearning Academy will provide heating professionals with an alternative route to develop their product knowledge from the comfort of their homes and offices. It is hoped that the new virtual training offering from Grant UK will help installers out in the field with a flexible way to continue their personal development within the industry.

The new Grant eLearning Academy – available via www.grantelearning.com – is home to a selection of on-demand and instructor-led content. The content currently available on the platform is focused on Air Source Heat Pump product training and this will be broadened to include training course content for other product ranges in the coming months. The format of the content varies from videos and presentations through to supporting downloads and useful guides designed to aid the learning experience.

Installers, engineers and others in the heating sector can choose the content which best suits their needs. The on-demand courses can be paused so that candidates can fit their training around their work demand, returning and resuming the course at the point they left. Meanwhile, the instructor-led courses allow candidates the benefit of having the course presented live by one of Grant UK’s Trainers who are on hand to answer questions, delivering the high level of quality training that is expected from the Academy.

Candidates wishing to enrol for eLearning courses will need to set up an account by visiting www.grantelearning.com, entering the enrolment key GUKWEB0820 and confirming their company details. Delegates can then log onto the eLearning Academy, view the available courses and either enrol onto an on-demand course straightaway or register to enrol onto an instructor-led course. Different courses with varying content are available so users can select which one they wish to do according to the level of training they require and for those wishing to complete the Grant Air Source Heat Pump Installer training courses, an online assessment must be completed as well.

“The Grant eLearning Academy is a valuable addition to our Training offering,” writes Phil Stanley, Grant UK’s Training Manager. “The past few months have transformed ‘normal’ business operations and it is important for Grant UK to be adaptable and adjust the ways in which we can deliver training content. Our training centres, in Devizes, North Yorkshire and West Lothian as well as satellite venues in Elgin, Inverness and the Channel Islands, will continue to be the pillars of our Training Academy with face to face courses remaining at the centre of our offering. However, the new eLearning Academy provides installers with a virtual alternative which will help make product training more accessible during the current post-lockdown era and beyond.”

Please click here to read more about the Grant eLearning Academy

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