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Grant Solar tops prestigious Ochre Yards development

Grant Solar tops prestigious Ochre Yards development

Thanks to Grant UK, residents of Block 7, Bellway Homes’ latest phase of the prestigious Ochre Yards development in Gateshead are enjoying ‘free’ hot water.

Installed by John N Dunn Group Ltd to satisfy local Building Regulation requirements, the fifteen collector on-roof Aurora Solar Thermal System will generate a minimum 545kWh of energy per square meter, per annum, providing the apartments below with up to 70% of their hot water requirements. Achieving Building Regulation requirements also has the added advantage of improving the buildings’ Code Level under the Code for Sustainable Homes (CSH). Block 7, which offers a choice of one, two bedroom, Citybase and duplex apartments (many with their own balcony or terrace) is the latest phase to be completed on the six hectare former Greenfields Railway Works. When complete, this high quality mixed commercial and residential development will accommodate 11 apartment blocks.  Located on the South bank of the Tyne the vibrant city centre of Newcastle with its shops, restaurants and bars is conveniently close by.

The Aurora Solar Collectors are linked to Grant DuoWave stainless steel direct hot water cylinders with capacities of between 170 – 200 litres, depending on apartment size. Featuring high efficiency corrugated heating coils, the Grant DuoWave range is developed to ensure a maximum transfer of the energy collected by renewable systems. Available in capacities of up to 500 litres the DuoWave range was developed to meet the growing demand for systems that combine a renewable heat source with a standard oil, gas or electric boiler.

To compliment the buildings’ contemporary design, Aurora Solar Collectors with a silver anodised finish were selected. Grant Solar Thermal Collectors are also available with a bronze finish - both feature a 3.2mm self-cleaning glass and have an excellent efficiency performance of 81%. To facilitate greater solar absorption the Collectors incorporate an aluminium absorber with Sun-select coating; a unique serpentine pipe configuration maximises heat transfer and eliminates air locks. Grant Collectors also carry the Solar Keymark approval which potentially allows homeowners to generate income from the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) from October 2012. And, unlike many solar thermal systems there is no requirement for a roof mounted air vent and maintenance is kept to a minimum.

Commenting on the specification of the Grant Solar Thermal System Darren Morton, Design Estimator of John N Dunn Group Ltd said: “We have a great relationship with Grant UK and are always keen to use their products. The product quality is consistent and the levels of customer support are excellent.”

Grant Solar tops prestigious Ochre Yards development
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