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Grant UK donates £2,000 to local children’s charity

Grant UK donates £2,000 to local children’s charity
Grant UK's Olivia Sellors presenting Ged Montgomery from Julia's House with the £2,000 donation

Throughout 2017, the staff at Grant UK were busy organising fundraising events for Julia’s House. From bake sales through to raffles, Grant UK’s staff helped raise £2,000 for this children’s charity whose work is based in Dorset and Wiltshire.

At the beginning of 2017, Grant UK selected Julia’s House as their chosen charity for the year. Grant UK commenced their support for this local children’s charity in December 2016 when staff helped raise £500 from various fundraising activities. In 2017, Julia’s House opened a new hospice in Devizes, where Grant UK’s HQ is based, so the decision to extend the Company’s support for this charity was an obvious one.

Julia’s House supports seriously ill children in Dorset and Wiltshire who do not have access to the level of care and support that they need. Last summer, Julia’s House opened a hospice in Devizes which is the first of its kind in the county and is where the charity provides high levels of practical and emotional support for children with life-limiting or life-threatening conditions. Through their hospices and network of nurses and volunteers, Julia’s House is able to provide essential care to children and their families, making a significant difference to their lives.

In 2017, Grant UK organised a series of fundraising events for Julia’s House with almost every month filled with one or more activities. A diverse range of events took place at Grant UK’s HQ, including: bake sales, speciality lunches, fancy dress days and raffles. These activities resulted in a grand total of £2,000 being raised which was presented to Julia’s House in January this year.

“Everyone at Grant UK has been very generous with their time and donations and this is reflected by the fantastic fundraising total which was reached by the close of 2017,” writes Anna Wakefield, Marketing and Corporate Communications Manager for Grant UK. “The incredible work that Julia’s House delivers throughout the local community is something that Grant UK’s staff are passionate to support. This is why Grant UK is thrilled to confirm that they will be continuing to support this local charity in 2018 as well.”

Consequently, 2018 will see Grant UK’s staff put their fundraising thinking caps back on with the hope to raise even more money for this worthy cause. Keep in touch with Grant UK’s social media platforms to follow this year’s fundraising events unfold and to see whether 2017’s total can be topped!

For more details, please visit www.juliashouse.org or www.grantuk.com.

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