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Grant UK launches VortexBlue cashback promotion

Grant UK launches VortexBlue cashback promotion

Grant UK has unveiled a new installer cashback promotion. Installers who purchase any Grant VortexBlue blue flame boiler between 1st May 2022 and 31st July 2022 will be able to claim £250 cashback after fitting and registering the product.

This summer, Grant UK is running a cashback promotion for installers who purchase their VortexBlue oil-fired boilers via any Grant UK merchant, during the promotional period highlighted below. Eligible boilers include the entire range of VortexBlue internal, external, and combi boilers - fitted between 1st May 2022 and 31st July 2022. This promotion is Grant UK’s biggest ever boiler cashback scheme and will support installers at a time when raw material prices are constantly increasing.

Once an installer has purchased an eligible blue flame boiler through their local merchant and installed the product, they will be able to claim their cashback. To submit a claim, installers need to visit www.grantuk.com/professional/vortexbluepromotion to complete the online claims form. Claims should be completed in full providing a proof of purchase (copy of the merchant invoice). Grant UK will then pay the installer directly within 30 days of receiving a valid claim. To be eligible for this support, installers should submit claims before 31st October 2022.

“We hope this cashback promotion will be well received by installers,” comments Andy Smith, National Sales Manager at Grant UK. “£250 is a substantial amount of support and, for G1 Installers who participate, they can claim not only this financial reward, but they can also benefit from offering their customers a 10-year guarantee as all Grant VortexBlue boilers come with this extended warranty period when installed and registered through the G1 Installer Scheme. This is Grant UK’s largest ever boiler cashback promotion, so we hope many of our installer customers will benefit from the rewards.”

Full Terms and Conditions apply. For more information about this promotion, please visit www.grantuk.com/professional/VortexBluePromotion.

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