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Grant UK staff take over 12 million steps fundraising for charity

Grant UK staff take over 12 million steps fundraising for charity

Throughout last month, some of the staff at Grant UK took part in Marching March, a step-count challenge raising funds for the Wiltshire Air Ambulance. In total, the staff took over 12 million steps during March and raised a wonderful £320 for the local charity.

Although many of Grant UK’s employees continue to work remotely during the pandemic, this did not stop them from taking part in a fundraising initiative which aimed to not only raise money for the Wiltshire Air Ambulance charity, but to also give employees the opportunity to do something collectively despite being apart. The Marching March step-count challenge was created, inviting staff to log their daily steps using their phones or watches and to enter into some friendly competition with each other to see who could take the most steps during the month. The three employees who topped the step-count chart would each win a prize donated by Grant UK with all of the money raised being donated to the Company’s chosen charity.

Throughout the month, interest in Marching March heated up with all participants doing their best to reach their personal daily step-count targets. Thirty-one days later, a total of 12,180,949 steps were taken by staff and a healthy sum of donations totaled £320 for the Wiltshire Air Ambulance. Three front runners were declared whose high step-count totals earned them podium positions in the Marching March competition – first place went to Charlotte Davey in the Training Department, second place went to Kevin Fossey, one of Grant UK’s Area Sales Managers, and third place went to Paul Applewhite from the Technical Team.

“It has been great to see everyone at Grant UK get involved with the Marching March step-count challenge,” writes Anna Wakefield, Grant UK’s Head of Marketing. “Not only did it give staff the chance to raise some money for our chosen charity, but it was an initiative that aimed to get staff on their feet and take some time to focus on their own wellbeing, both physically and mentally. All participants received a wellness box of goodies from Grant UK and after seeing the number of steps taken, the amount of money raised and to see the conversation amongst staff, Marching March has been a success on many levels.”

To read more about Grant UK’s CSR activities, please visit: www.grantuk.com/about/corporate-social-responsibility

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