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Grant UK’s new website & latest heat pump nominated at ACR News Awards

Grant UK’s new website & latest heat pump nominated at ACR News Awards
Credit: ACR News Awards 2019

Grant UK is delighted to announce that its new website has been shortlisted as a nomination for ‘Website of the Year’ at the ACR News Awards 2019. In addition, the Grant Aerona³ R32 heat pump has also received an award nomination for 'Heat Pump Product Of the Year' at the same event.

At the ACR News Awards in March 2019, www.grantuk.com has been shortlisted in the category for ‘Website of the Year’. This nomination comes less than a year since Grant UK unveiled its updated website which was redesigned to incorporate several new features which were developed with visitors in mind. This 2019 awards shortlist is the first for Grant UK’s new website but the Company has won ‘Best Website’ accolades with its previous sites.

In May 2018, Grant UK launched its new website. Alongside its updated styling, which brought the site in-line with the Company’s latest branding, Grant UK’s website was also restructured to improve visitors’ user experience. With homeowner and professional sections, the website now delivers tailored product information suitable to a visitor’s specific needs. The website also has a handy Product Selector tool, designed to assist homeowners in identifying the most appropriate heating product for their home, as well as improved ‘Find an Engineer’ and ‘Find a Merchant’ search facilities.

“Grant UK is really pleased with this award shortlist,” comments Anna Wakefield, Head of Marketing and Data Protection at the Company. “The development of our new website was a large project for Grant UK which was many months in the making. We worked closely with a local digital agency to develop a website which provided visitors with an enhanced experience, enabling them to access the most relevant information. The new Grant UK website not only looks great but it has improved functionality which increases the Company’s level of service to customers.”

Earlier in January, it was announced that Grant UK has received a second awards nomination at the ACR News Awards with their latest heat pump being shortlisted in the category for 'Heat Pump Product of the Year'. The Aerona³ 12kW R32 heat pump is Grant's greenest heat pump yet, using the more environmentally friendly R32 refrigerant. Incredibly efficient and delivering improved performances, this latest model in Grant's air source heat pump range complies with upcoming legislative targets while also delivering reliable home heating. 

If you would like to vote for Grant UK’s website to be ‘Website of the Year 2019’ at the ACR News Awards, please follow the link here to place your vote: www.acrnewsawards.com/vote/

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