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Case Study

Green living for States of Guernsey Housing


Guernsey Housing Association has specified Grant Solar Thermal Systems on a development of 58 high spec eco-properties in St Sampson.

The houses on the Sir John Leale Avenue development, Victoria Avenue, have been designed with many energy saving features, to ensure highly efficient home heating and lower fuel bills for residents.

Guernsey Housing Association, an independent not-for-profit company, works in close partnership with the States Housing Department to help deliver the Corporate Housing Programme for the islands people.

Each home includes very high levels of insulation, draught proofing, and a Grant Aurora or Sahara in-roof solar thermal system to provide domestic hot water. The renewable technology is linked into an low tariff electric boiler for space heating. Grant Solar thermal technology is one of the most efficient and accessible forms of renewable energy available, and is capable of providing 60-70% of the average dwellings hot water requirements annually. Additionally, there is a heat recovery ventilation system that extracts heat from the stale air within the house and uses it to warm up fresh air drawn in from outside. Calculations show that residents should benefit from 50% lower fuel bills, compared with similar houses not featuring these energy saving measures. DHS (Domestic Heating Services) in St Sampson was the main heating supplier for the site.

Steve Williams, GHA’s Chief Executive said ‘We are delighted to be providing these energy efficient new homes, which I am sure will be very popular. We have learnt a great deal on this design and are now applying that knowledge to our new developments.’

GHA’s contractor, JW Rihoy and their Managing Director, Gavin Rihoy were keen to highlight the fresh approach to this development, saying ‘The whole construction industry is now focusing on designing on more energy efficient buildings, and this development is a great example of that. People often complain about stricter building regulations putting up the price of construction, but meeting those regulations was easier than first envisaged and undoubtedly will benefit the residents with reduced fuel bills over future years.’

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