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Halfway through Grant UK’s ‘Big G1 Giveaway’!

Grant UK G1 Giveaway
The 2019 'Big G1 Giveaway' has lots of great prizes up for grabs!

Grant UK’s installer promotion, the ‘Big G1 Giveaway’ is in full swing with hundreds of prizes already handed out and hundreds more ready to be won in the remaining draws. For those yet to do so, there is still time for G1 Scheme members to enter and be a winner!

Earlier in the summer, Grant UK announced that their ‘Big G1 Giveaway’ was making a return for a second year. Following the same format as the 2018 promotion, this year’s ‘Big G1 Giveaway’ offers G1 Installers the chance to win prizes every month between August and December by simply registering their Grant installations via their Portal or G1 Click accounts. With five monthly prize draws, a new ‘Superdraw’ and every Grant product eligible for entry, the ‘Big G1 Giveaway’ makes winning easy and straightforward for G1 installers.

Each month, fifty top prizes are being given away including durable workstation canopies which can be assembled in less than twenty seconds, Supercar driving experiences for two people, and Velocity Pro Gear Tech Cases handy for any engineer. In addition, in each monthly prize draw, a runner-up prize is being sent to all remaining entrants and so far during the promotion, these runner-up prizes have included a useful Alley Key set and branded plastic pipe cutters.

While the August and September prize draws have taken place, G1 installers still have time to enter the remaining draws as the promotion is running until 31st December 2019. In addition to the monthly draws taking place for October, November and December, there is also a ‘Big Holiday Superdraw’ in January in which one lucky G1 installer will win £5,000 of holiday vouchers.

To enter into the remaining ‘Big G1 Giveaway’ draws, G1 installers should register their Grant installations (for example oil boilers and air source heat pumps) via the online G1 Portal or G1 Click, the supporting product registration app exclusive to G1 installers. By registering any Grant product between now and 31st December 2019, G1 installers will be winners with the ‘Big G1 Giveaway’!

For more details, please click here

Halfway through Grant UK’s ‘Big G1 Giveaway’!

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