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Grant UK unveils new online CSR Hub

Grant UK unveils new online CSR Hub

Grant UK has added a new area to their website which is dedicated to the Company’s Corporate Social Responsibility activities. The CSR Hub provides a detailed overview of the initiatives Grant UK has implemented to ensure their business operations have a positive impact on the local community and wider environment.

Corporate Social Responsibility has always been an important part of Grant UK’s day to day activities. The Company has enjoyed significant growth in recent years but it is committed to ensure that its operations today and into the future deliver widespread benefits to the environment and people, both locally and further afield. Grant UK’s CSR Hub brings together all of their initiatives, policies and environmental commitments and hosts them is one, easy to access area of their website.

The Hub is split into four zones – transformation, environment, people and community. The Transformation zone shares Grant UK’s long-term, company-wide carbon reduction commitment including Grant Project Zero, a new sustainability programme that Grant UK has recently launched which will provide them with a roadmap towards carbon neutrality and beyond. The Environment zone details the numerous initiatives that have already been implemented to help Grant UK to operate more sustainably and to encourage others to do so too.

In the People zone of the Hub, there is a summary of the ways in which Grant UK supports its employees with career development, mindfulness and well-being initiatives. The fourth zone, for Community, details how Grant UK provides support on a local level including local youth club sponsorships, a trainee scheme and charity fundraising. Combined, these four zones within the CSR Hub reflect how Grant UK maintains a strong environmental position and how they continuously explore new ways to improve business processes.

“As a business, we have always been very aware of the importance of CSR,” explains Anna Wakefield, Head of Marketing at Grant UK. “When customers visit our new CSR Hub, they will be able to see how much scope we cover with our current initiatives. It will be an incredibly useful online resource that packages up many of our commitments to demonstrate just how deep-rooted CSR is in our business.”

To view this new CSR Hub, please visit www.grantuk.com/about/csr-hub.

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