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Rishi Sunak visits Grant UK Training Academy

Rishi Sunak visits Grant UK Training Academy
Credit: GTEC
Rishi Sunak visiting GTEC in April to discuss the programme of renewables product training available to installers

In early April, Rishi Sunak visited Grant UK’s Training Academy partner, GTEC, in Hawes, North Yorkshire to discuss low carbon heating and the delivery of renewables product training to heating engineers and installers.

Rishi Sunak, MP for Richmond (Yorks), recently visited Grant UK’s Training Academy partner, GTEC, in Hawes, North Yorkshire. While at the training centre, Rishi met with candidates to find out how training was helping them and reviewed the range of renewable technologies available at the centre, including Grant Aerona³ heat pumps as pictured above.

At the end of last year, GTEC won a bid to provide heavily discounted training and certification to individuals and companies looking to upskill into heat-based renewables, backed by The Department of Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) through Midlands Energy Hub (MEH).

Named the Renewable Heat Installer Training & Support Scheme (RHITSS), the scheme offers vouchers which provide up to 70% off the cost of becoming a renewables installer. There are currently 1,000 training places and 150 businesses signed-up to RHITSS – spaces that were filled within 10 days of the scheme's launch.

To read more about the visit in full, please visit the GTEC website here

Rishi Sunak visits Grant UK Training Academy
Credit: GTEC
Rishi Sunak with Griff Thomas (right) discussing the benefits of heat pumps in the UK housing market and how every home could be suitable if properly designed. David Cowburn of NAPIT and Ian Rippin of MCS are also pictured.

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