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Visit Grant UK at InstallerSHOW 2023 on Stand F60

Visit Grant UK at InstallerSHOW 2023 on Stand F60

Between 27th-29th June 2023, InstallerSHOW is returning to the NEC in Birmingham and Grant UK will once again be an exhibitor at this popular event for heating engineers and industry professionals. Visit Stand F60 to see Grant UK’s biggest stand to date, to see their latest products and to enjoy the on-stand hospitality and entertainment.

The excitement for InstallerSHOW 2023 is building and with the show now less than a month away, Grant UK is revealing some of its stand features at this year’s event. With a larger footprint than last year, Grant UK’s stand at this year’s InstallerSHOW will have even more products on display including its award winning Aerona³ air source heat pumps, a QR Hot Water cylinder, a HVO compatible Vortex boiler as well as a selection of their heat emitter ranges. Alongside the display of Grant’s renewable package solution offering, there will also be some innovative new products for visitors to preview.

While the showcasing of Grant UK’s current and future sustainable heating technologies will be the primary focus of the stand, there will also be lots of other activities taking place on Stand F60 over the course of the show’s three days. Visitors will be invited to enjoy a hot drink or cool beverage in the on-stand bar. Here, they will also have the opportunity to speak to some of the Grant Team as members of staff from their Sales, Design, Training and Marketing Departments will all be present.

A brand new feature of the stand will be virtual golf where visitors can try their hand at an interactive golf game, with the Top Three golfers earning themselves prizes worth up to £180! There will also be a selection of goodie bags and Grant UK branded merchandise that will be given away on the stand too.

“The Team here has been busy planning our stand for InstallerSHOW 2023 for many months and we are really looking forward to showcasing our latest exciting technologies at the show,” comments Anna Wakefield, Head of Marketing at Grant UK. “This event has established itself as a key date in the diary for thousands of heating professionals and we hope to see plenty of familiar faces and new customers at the NEC in June. We will have some of our iconic red branded giveaways which we know installers will love and of course, members of the Grant Team will be on hand to talk about our sustainable heating products.”

You will find Grant UK on Stand F60 at InstallerSHOW 2023 - to book tickets, please visit www.installershow.com.

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