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Grant UK's Cyber Essentials Plus Certification

Demonstrating Grant UK's ongoing commitment to protecting customer data

Grant UK has a Cyber Essentials Certificate of Compliance as well as a Cyber Essentials Plus Certificate of Compliance.;

 Since June 2018, Grant UK has held a Cybers Essentials Certificate of Compliance having completed and passed an assessment against the Cyber Essentials Standard. In November 2021, Grant UK undertook a further assessment and was awarded a Cyber Essentials Plus Certificate of Compliance, a certificate which the Company continues to hold today. Meeting the requirements of the scheme and holding two levels of compliance certificates reflects and acknowledges the strength of the Grant UK’s ICT defence protocols.

Cyber Essentials was launched in 2014 and is a scheme which is designed to help organisations of all sizes protect themselves against common online threats. It also helps inform customers of the businesses who have a clear and thorough understanding of their online security levels.

It is backed by the Government, industry-supported and recognised for all forms of business in any sector. Using an independent framework, Cyber Essentials assesses an organistation’s ICT infrastructure to ascertain their capabilities to prevent and avoid cyber attacks on the business.

Grant UK first undertook the Cyber Essentials assessment as part of its company-wide strategy for compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation. Protecting customer data is at the core of all of the processes and procedures which take place within the business. Grant UK underwent the Cyber Essentials assessment to measure their online protocols against a national standard and to demonstrate the Company’s commitment to cyber security.

Cyber Essentials Plus is the highest level of certification offered under the Cyber Essentials scheme. It is a more rigorous test of an organisation’s cyber security systems where external cyber security experts carry out vulnerability tests to make sure that the business is protected against basic hacking and phishing attacks. Holding the Cyber Essentials Plus certification shows Grant UK’s endeavour to ensure that its IT infrastructure is protected by implementing recognised, best-practice security controls to protect against cyber-attacks.

After completing and passing both assessments, Grant UK are invited to promote their Cyber Essentials and Cyber Essentials Plus badges to inform their customers of these accreditations. Both badges reflect Grant UK’s certified cyber security, reassuring customers that the Company has satisfactory procedures in place to protect their ICT against online attacks.

By accomplishing these certifications, Grant UK is able to demonstrate its ongoing commitment to protecting the data that the Company holds. Please click here to view the Cyber Essentials Certificate of Compliance and click here to view the Cyber Essentials Plus Certificate of Compliance.

Grant UK's is Cyber Essentials CertifiedGrant UK is Cyber Essentials Plus Certified

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