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What are the benefits of R290 heat pumps?

  |   9 min
A Grant Aerona 290 heat pump installation render
The Aerona 290 air-to-water heat pump from Grant UK

The Grant Aerona 290 heat pump range uses R290 refrigerant instead of R32 refrigerant. With a very low global warming potential, R290 refrigerant delivers a number of benefits which this article will explore to help homeowners who are looking for a heat pump understand more about this different type of refrigerant gas.

Air source heat pumps, like most types of technology, are constantly evolving with research and development feeding into exciting new products and innovations. The introduction of the use R290 refrigerant in heat pumps is one such example, a change which will help make this type of low carbon heating an even more sustainable option. Here, we will briefly explain what R290 refrigerant is and why it is being increasingly used in heat pumps, explaining the advantages of R290 heat pumps and how they compare to other types of heat pumps, such as R32 heat pumps.

What is R290?

Also known commercially as propane, R290 is a natural refrigerant. Already commonly used in air conditioning units and refrigeration, R290 refrigerant is becoming increasingly popular in air source heat pumps, replacing the use of other refrigerants. In a heat pump, R290 is used in the same way that other refrigerants have been used in heat pumps for many years with the refrigerant entering a cycle of liquid and vapour/gaseous states to help transfer the latent heat energy which is present in the outside air into useable energy within a central heating system.

To find out more about what is R290 refrigerant, please visit our Home Heating Blog.

Why should you choose a R290 heat pump?

Air source heat pumps are a low carbon form of heating, being able to fulfil the space heating and domestic hot water requirements of homes without being high polluting. Every heat pump uses refrigerant so the use of more environmentally friendly refrigerants will serve to further increase the green credentials of heat pumps. A few years ago, this was seen with the transition from R410a to R32 refrigerant and today, the availability of R290 refrigerant is another step towards making heat pumps even more environmentally friendly.

 Let us now take a look at the environmental benefits of R290 and the other advantages this refrigerant brings to heat pumps.

Environmentally friendly

The Global Warming Potential of R290, which is the value that measures how long a gas remains in the atmosphere and has the potential to warm it, is incredibly low. With its GWP of just 3, compared to R32 which has a GWP of 675, R290 refrigerant has less of an impact of the environment. Furthermore, R290 has zero ozone depletion potential so as a refrigerant, it is less harmful to the planet when compared to other heat pump refrigerants.

R290 has excellent thermodynamic properties which means it is very efficient and effective at absorbing heat energy and transferring it into a heating system. Furthermore, the Aerona 290 heat pump uses less refrigerant compared to the volume of refrigerant used in a typical R32 heat pump. By using less refrigerant in the first place, this also supports the sustainability of the product as well. With air source heat pumps being an integral part of helping the country to achieve net zero carbon emissions targets, any measures which can further improve the sustainability of heat pumps are positive steps forward.

High efficiency heat pumps

R290 refrigerant helps an air source heat pump to run at high efficiency levels. The efficiency of a heat pump is measured by its Coefficient of Performance (COP) and Seasonal Coefficient of Performance (SCOP). The COP value of a heat pump refers to the ratio of useful heat energy it produces compared to the electrical energy it requires. Meanwhile, the SCOP value takes into account particular heating seasons (average or cold for example) and refers to the heat pump’s performance in specific seasonal conditions. The ErP energy rating for all of the Aerona 290 heat pumps is A+++ (at 35°C flow temperature) - please click here to view the technical data for the Grant Aerona 290 range.

As with any heat pump, the efficiency of a R290 heat pump will reduce when the outdoor temperatures significantly drop. This is because the heat pump will be working harder to ensure the temperatures inside your home remain at their desired levels even when the conditions outside are very low. The Grant Aerona 290 is capable of operating in temperatures as low as -25°C.

When researching the right heat pump for your home, reviewing the COP and SCOP values of different heat pumps is strongly recommended. The higher these values are, the more efficient the heat pump will be and a highly efficient heat pump could save you money on running costs in comparison to a heat pump with lower efficiencies.

Noise levels

When planning the installation of a heat pump, deciding where to position the unit is an important phase because not only must the heat pump be fitted on a suitable base with sufficient clearances around it, the locality of neighbours and the proximity to your living areas should also be factored in. Heat pumps do make a noise when operating due to their fans rotating but their noise levels are low. In particular, Quiet Mark approved heat pumps have been recognised for their incredibly low noise levels so when researching a heat pump, this accreditation may be something you want to look out for.

The Grant Aerona290 has been designed with a number of features which make it a quiet heat pump. It features an acoustically optimised fan, vibration reducing blocks are situated within the heat pump’s casing, it has a three layer acoustic cotton sound insulation metal shell, and double layer vibration-absorbing rubber feet which are designed to fit into an anti-vibration flexi-foot kit. All of these features minimise the amount of noise created by this R290 heat pump, resulting in its ultra-low sound levels.

R290 heat pump installation

R290 heat pumps are suitable for installation in many types of properties, from new builds through to older properties, conversions and retrofit installations. As with any heat pump, R290 heat pumps need to be installed in properties which have sufficient insulation levels so please read one of our other blogs to learn more about what types of homes are suitable for a heat pump. When investing in a heat pump, whether a R290 model or R32 heat pump, it is crucial that you work with your installing engineer to discuss your requirements (such as temperature preferences and hot water demand), the build and heat loss of your home, and the most suitable location to fit the heat pump. Learn more about planning a heat pump installation here.

Compatible with Smart Controllers

Not only does the Grant Aerona 290 use the more environmentally friendly R290 refrigerant but it is designed for installation with the Aerona Smart Controller. This state of the art controller makes controlling your Grant heat pump straightforward and simple, while also offering remote control (via an app) and for your installer, remote monitoring is available (via a dedicated web-browser) to assist with diagnostics, servicing and maintenance. Discover more about the Aerona Smart Controller here.

Heat Pump Grant

To help homeowners make the swap to renewable energy, Government funding is available. The Boiler Upgrade Scheme, for example, can provide homeowners with a grant of up to £7,500 when they replace their fossil fuel boiler with a low carbon air source heat pump. Both of Grant’s ranges of air-to-water heat pumps are eligible for the BUS funding as the Aerona³ R32 and Aerona 290 are MCS approved. Learn more about the BUS and other Government funding for heat pumps here.

What are the disadvantages of R290 heat pumps?

As a refrigerant, R290 is more flammable than other refrigerants so there are specific safety measures which must be adhered to, ensuring their safe installation. It is therefore important that R290 heat pumps are installed by competent, trained heat pumps installers who are confident in correctly working with such refrigerant. The Aerona 290 heat pump has multiple safety design features built into the casing and its components as well – please visit our Home Heating Blog to read more about the safety features for R290.

As we will touch on shortly in this blog, R290 heat pumps tend to be larger units compared to heat pumps with the same heating output using alternative refrigerants. This means they do take up more outdoor space which could be an issue for properties with limited garden or outside space.

R290 vs R32 heat pumps

Heat pumps using R32 refrigerant are widely available in the market place, such as the Grant Aerona³ R32 heat pump range. These heat pumps have compact footprints which is advantageous especially if the outdoor space is limited where the heat pump is being located. R32 heat pumps are highly efficient, especially when compared to the efficiencies of older models which used R410s refrigerant. The Aerona³ R32 heat pumps, for example, have high SCOP values even in lower external temperatures, providing homeowners with an efficient and reliable central heating system.

With R290 heat pumps, the units tend to be larger and require larger clearances around them as a result of the safety features incorporated within the casing as well as the safety requirements for installation and siting. This can mean that R290 heat pumps take up more space. However, with their incredibly low GWP value, R290 heat pumps are more sustainable. As the newer technology, there are less R290 heat pumps currently in the market but this is changing. From a performance perspective, both R32 and R290 heat pumps achieve high efficiencies but the thermodynamic properties of R290 refrigerant does mean that, compared to some R32 models, an R290 heat pump can be more efficient.

Discover more about the Aerona³ R32 heat pump range here and read about the new Aerona 290 heat pumps here - you can also join our mailing list!

Grant UK, R290 heat pump supply

The launch of the Aerona 290 air source heat pump in 2024 marked an exciting chapter for Grant UK. Being the Company’s fifth generation of heat pump, the Grant brand is recognised for being a heating specialist that is trusted by heating engineers and their customers. Please subscribe to the Grant UK mailing list to receive further information about the Aerona 290 and click here to read more about Grant’s range of air source heat pumps and accessories.

[Blog updated 6th December 2024]

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