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Grant VortexAir Range

Grant VortexAir Range

a+++ Heating a Water

5 Year guarantee*

The VortexAir Hybrid incorporates the highly efficient Aerona³ R32 air source heat pump with a low NOx Vortex oil boiler.

The cleaner oil-fired boiler technology combined with the green credentials of the Aerona³ heat pump results in an innovative hybrid heating solution. With the VortexAir, renewable technology can be introduced into the home while also having the peace of mind that comes with the back-up heating provided via the boiler.


Features & benefits

  • Feature the Aerona³ 17kW heat pump with a 15-26kW low NOx oil boiler
  • Available with a 5 year guarantee (*when installed by a G1 Installer, subject to Terms and Conditions)
  • Cleverly brings together the best of both worlds with a reliable and efficient Aerona³ heat pump and the latest low NOx burner technology of a Vortex oil boiler
  • The VortexAir is supplied meter ready
  • The oil boiler can be installed externally alongside the heat pump as one complete unit or, alternatively, the boiler can be sited indoors (the heat pump is always fitted outdoors)
  • The heat pump can be installed at the same time as the boiler or it can be fitted as part of a two-stage installation when the boiler is installed first to restore heating and hot water and the heat pump is fitted afterwards
  • Designed to operate with maximise efficiency – using an advanced control system, the VortexAir seamlessly switches to the most effective heating mode, whether that be heat pump, oil, or a combination of both (there is also the option to manually switch between hybrid and oil)
  • The hybrid is supplied with a low level balanced flue as standard
  • Heating engineers should visit the Professionals hybrid webpage to read more about the range

Awards & Accreditations

MCS- Heat pump R32 Quiet Mark

Case Studies

Why hybrid heating?

Why hybrid heating?

Each year, thousands of older oil boilers are changed, most often as distress purchases and requiring a quick replacement heating solution. In these situations, there is often little opportunity to choose an alternative fuel source, such as a renewable technology, because heating and hot water needs to be quickly restored to the property. This is where Hybrid heating technologies can step in.

A hybrid, such as the Grant VortexAir, bridges the gap between renewable energy and situations when a traditional fuel source is the most obvious solution – it allows homeowners to start their transition to renewable heating without the added cost of having to resize and replace radiators and without the prospect of being without heating for a prolonged period of time. Joining the benefits of an air source heat pump with the latest blue flame oil boiler technology, the VortexAir unlocks the potential of renewable heating for properties where it was previously not thought possible.


Product code
Depth Max/Min
Boiler Output
Heat Pump Capacity
Heat Pump Power Input
Heat Pump SCOP 35°C
NOx Emissions
ErP Rating
HPIDAIR1526 Grant VortexAir 15/26kW Oil Boiler and 17kW Heat Pump Hybrid inc. EZ90BFKIT 269kg 1420mm 2047mm 525mm 15-26kW 18kW 3.76kW 4.54 - <120mg/kWh a Oil Boiler a+++ Heat Pump
VTXAIR1526 Grant VortexAir 15/26kW Oil Boiler 149kg 1420mm exc. flue 690mm / inc. flue 947mm 525mm 15-26kW - - - 92% <120mg/kWh a Oil Boiler



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