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Grant Solar Collectors

Grant Solar Collectors

5 Year guarantee*

Grant Solar Thermal systems can easily be integrated with conventional domestic hot water heating systems. Working all year round in both direct and diffused sunlight, solar thermal technology can produce the energy required to fulfil much of a home’s annual hot water demand.

The Grant Sahara solar thermal collector has a durable aluminium frame with a bronze anodised finish and with three roof mounting options available, a solar thermal system from Grant can suit most domestic roof types. With minimal maintenance, choosing a solar thermal system is a cost effective, sustainable heating method which can help significantly lower hot water heating costs.


Features & benefits

  • *5 year guarantee available on Grant Solar Thermal kits (subject to Terms and Conditions). When installed by a G1 Installer, a 10 year guarantee is available on Grant Sahara Collectors (subject to Terms and Conditions)
  • Sahara solar thermal collector has a unique patented system which is designed to ensure maximum heat transfer from the sun, achieving 82.6% collector efficiency
  • On-roof, in-roof and flat roof mounting arrangements – in both portrait and landscape orientation - are available to suit different types of roofs and requirements
  • During manufacture, the use of premium materials guarantees the collectors’ reliability and durability with Grant collectors tested to the requirement of BS EN 12975
  • Solar Keymark approved
  • Suitable for installation with gas, oil and renewable heating systems
  • Very low maintenance with the Sahara collector featuring self-cleaning glass
  • Installation typically takes a couple of days to complete – installers should visit the Professionals solar thermal webpage to read more about the range

Awards & Accreditations

MCS- Solar Keymark- solar thermal

Case Studies

Grant 4 panel on-roof solar thermal installation

How does a solar thermal system work?

A Grant Solar Thermal System is a great addition to any hot water heating system because it will harness the free solar energy and use this to heat the majority of hot water for a home almost all year round. At the centre of Grant’s solar thermal systems is the Sahara flat plate collector which is where the sun’s energy is transferred into the heating’s hot water system.

Please visit our Knowledge Hub to read more about the Sahara collector and how solar energy can be used for heating.


Product code
NOx Emissions
Product Fiche
GS222773 Grant Solar Thermal collector (BRONZE) 40kg 2043mm 1143mm 80mm - - -


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