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Rose Homes, a developer’s journey to renewables

Rose Homes, a developer’s journey to renewables
Credit: Rose Homes
The Aerona³ air source heat pump installed at the show home

From 2025, developers will no longer be able to install fossil fuel boilers in new build properties. More sustainable heating system solutions will need to be installed instead and some developers, such as Rose Homes in Essex, are already making the transition to renewable heating. Their first site of homes featuring air source heat pumps is underway – discover how Grant UK have helped Rose Homes with this journey to more sustainable solutions for their properties.

Rose Homes For Life is the housing development division of family-run business, Rose Builders. Based in Manningtree, Essex they first started building new homes in the 1890s and today, they continue to construct new build properties throughout the East of England.

“We always strive to build homes to the very highest standards of design and construction,” comments Alex Leader from Rose Homes. “This includes developing homes which are as sustainable as they can be, designing properties to the latest regulations so that they achieve excellent energy performance ratings and have minimal heat loss. Up until this year, all our properties had standard gas boilers with underfloor heating fitted through the ground floor and radiators fitted on the first floors. However, with legislation soon changing, we have been researching renewable alternatives to replace the gas boilers in our homes.”

Transitioning to renewables
One of Rose Homes’ latest developments is in Great Yeldham, Essex, where thirty-three homes are being built. The two, three and four bedroom properties are being set around an expansive green, with thirteen of the homes being provided to Flagship for affordable rented and shared ownership properties. All of the properties are having Grant Aerona³ air source heat pumps installed, the first renewable site for Rose Homes.

“There is no gas in this village so this, combined with our wider sustainability drive, meant that we had to find an alternative central heating system to suit the properties on this development,” explains Alex. “Air source heat pumps were the most suitable alternative because they fulfil the heating requirements of each home while also having the added bonus of being sustainable. This technology was completely new to our team so after several recommendations, we turned to Grant UK to guide us through our first heat pump installation.”

Training and support
When specifying air source heat pumps for a new build site, it is important that the developer and their installers fully understand the differences between these low temperature systems and gas boilers. This is why Grant UK’s Sales Team are on hand to provide technical assistance throughout the process, from design and initial specification through to installation and commissioning.

For this site, members of the Grant Team worked closely with Rose Homes starting off with on-site training for their staff so that they understood how the Aerona³ units work and for the installers, how to install the system. Grant’s in-house Design Department then completed the heat loss calculations for each of the site’s property types and supplied the product list needed for each home’s heating requirements. The first of the Aerona³ heat pumps has been installed at the show home and Steve Farrow, Grant UK’s Area Sales Manager for the East of England, alongside Shaun McCarthy, Sales Support Engineer, were both onsite to oversee this first installation. Shaun also provided assistance with the set up and commissioning of the heat pump as well.

“We have found the training and education offered by the Grant Team outstanding,” comments Alex. “It has been invaluable to our team, most of whom have not previously been involved in the installation of air source heat pumps. The training and guidance we received has helped our team to feel confident in discussing the running of the air source heat pump systems with our customers.”

Customer handovers
Grant UK has also provided Rose Homes with a number of resources that they can provide to their new homeowners, to help with the handover of the renewable heating systems. A printed handover guide is being supplied with each Aerona³ heat pump, alongside the user manual, and video tutorials are also available via Grant UK’s YouTube channel which talk through the key elements of the system. A tailored handout has also been produced which provides homeowners with an itemised summary of the products that make up their heating system, so that they can easily identify each component within their home.

“Our experience with Grant products and their team has been first class so far,” concludes Alex. “The first homes at this development are being completed in September with the site due to be finished in the Spring 2023. We are proud of the green credentials that each home has and we hope it will serve as a benchmark for future Rose Homes.”

Please click here to read more about Grant's sustainable heating products.

Rose Homes, a developer’s journey to renewables
Credit: Rose Homes
Shaun McCarthy and Steve Farrow from Grant UK (centre) providing on-site support to the team at Rose Homes

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