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Frequently Asked Questions


What is the G1 Scheme and how do I sign up?

G1 is Grant UK's Installer Scheme. Heating engineers can become a G1 accredited installer in one or more of Grant’s product ranges, but each requires a specific set of requirements to be met before being accredited in that technology. Follow the links here for further information about the G1 Scheme benefits and requirements to join G1. If you are interested in enrolling onto the G1 Scheme, please speak to your local Grant UK Sales Representative or contact the G1 Team by emailing G1@grantuk.com.

I am a G1 Installer, why am I not listed on the 'Find an Installer' search?

Due to data protection regulations, we are unable to share an installer's details without their written consent. If you wish your details to be visible, please contact G1@grantuk.com.

How to become a heating engineer

Becoming a heating engineer requires in depth training, involving industry qualifications and product training. OFTEC, Gasafe and MCS are just three heating engineer qualifications that are widely recognised in the sector. Completing manufacturer’s product training is also very important, especially when you are intending to install an unfamiliar product like an air source heat pump for example. Grant UK’s Training Academy provide training and assessment for heating professionals include OFTEC qualifications, LOGIC training and product courses.

Where can I get brochures and manuals from?

Our brochures and manuals are available to download as PDFs on our website - please visit our Technical Literature downloads hub. If you require hard copies, please email info@grantuk.com. Also available for mobiles and tablets is the Grant TechBox app, where all of Grant's current and historic product manuals are freely accessible. This app works in both online and offline mode (for times when there is no internet signal), so you’re never without the information you need.

How can I make a general complaint to Grant UK?

We consider and respond to all complaints and issues, no matter how they are raised or what they refer to. We take every opportunity to resolve complaints at the first point of contact where possible. To make a complaint, please use the contact forms on this site, or alternatively email info@grantuk.com. If a complaint cannot be resolved in-house, consumers can refer the complaint to the Renewable Energy Consumer Code

How can I access extended guarantees on the Grant products that I install?

Installers who join Grant UK’s G1 Scheme can activate extended guarantees on the Grant products that they install. For example, G1 Installers can activate product guarantees of up to ten years (subject to Terms and Conditions), compared to the standard two year guarantee available on Grant products when installed by a non-G1 installer.

Is the G1 Scheme just for oil boiler installers?
No, the G1 Scheme is open to installers of all of Grant’s products. The Scheme encompasses oil boilers, all of Grant’s renewable technologies and their heat emitter range as well.
What is the G1 Portal?

The G1 Portal (www.g1.grantuk.com) is an online platform which is exclusively accessible to G1 Scheme members. Via the Portal, G1 Installers can register their installations, access useful downloads and order marketing materials and branded items via the G1 Shop.

What is G1 Click?

G1 Click is a product registration app exclusively accessible to G1 Scheme members. This app syncs with the Portal so that G1 installers can be sure that both platforms have their latest account information. Compatible with iOS and Android devices, G1 Click is a handy tool for Scheme members to have on their phones.

Click here for download options.

What is the difference between guarantee and warranty?

In simple terms, a warranty is like an insurance policy in which parts of the product bought can be insured through repair or replacement. It may also be seen as a written guarantee where a company provides assurance to another party of specific facts, conditions and remedy. This means that if a fact is not met by the product or service, it allows the consumer to receive a remedy, in most cases, free repair or product replacement. However, a warranty can and may have an expiration date and may not be applicable to all products and services.

Guarantee on the other hand, is a legal term that is of higher import than warranty. It is generally a promise or an assurance that attests to the quality and/or durability of a product or service. It may also be seen as a pledge where a product will perform in a specified manner. A guarantee is usually free and is legally binding. Also, it will take effect whether or not you have a warranty. In other words, a guarantee is separate from a warranty that’s provided by a service provider, manufacturer or other third parties.


What is G-CERT and how do I join?

Through the G-CERT Scheme, Grant UK certified renewable installations for MCS accreditation on behalf of the installer. Please note, the G-Cert Scheme is now closed to new Sub-Contractor applications and closed to new job requests. 


What does an ISO 14001:2015 mean?
ISO 14001:2015 sets out the criteria for an environmental management system and can be certified to. It maps out a framework that a company or organization can follow to set up an effective environmental management system. It can be used by any organization regardless of its activity or sector. Using ISO 14001:2015 can provide assurance to company management and employees as well as external stakeholders that environmental impact is being measured and improved. External audits are completed yearly to ensure the business is maintaining these principles.
What does an ISO 9001:2015 certification mean?
This standard is based on a number of quality management principles including a strong customer focus, the motivation and implication of top management, the process approach and continual improvement. Using ISO 9001:2015 helps ensure that customers get consistent, good quality products and services. External audits are completed yearly to ensure the business is maintaining these principles.
What is Cyber Essentials?

Grant UK complete annual assessments against the Cyber Essentials Standard and Cyber Essentials Plus which they have passed. Having met the requirements of the scheme, Grant UK have been awarded a Certificate of Compliance which acknowledges the strength of the Company’s ICT defence protocols.

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I've seen a logo on certain products 'Energy Saving Trust Endorsed product', what does this mean?

The Energy Saving Trust endorsed energy efficient products that met industry agreed standards for energy performance and for over 15 years, all Grant oil boilers were endorsed by the Energy Saving Trust. Please be advised that the Energy Saving Trust's product endorsement scheme closed on 1st March 2022.

What benefit is an 'MCS Approved product' to me?

The Microgeneration Certification Scheme is a government driven scheme to promote renewable technologies. It is an internationally recognised quality assurance scheme which demonstrates the quality and reliability of Approved Products by satisfying rigorous and tested standards. MCS is linked to the Governments’s finance schemes and incentives. If you wish to take advantage of these schemes, an MCS approved product must be used. For further information visit https://mcscertified.com/

What are the benefits of MCS accreditation for installers?

Installations completed under the Microgeneration Certification Scheme not only comply to the high standards set by MCS but they can also support an installation to be eligible for government funding. For example, MCS approved air source heat pumps installed by a MCS certified heat pump installer are eligible for the Boiler Upgrade Scheme. There are many benefits of achieving MCS accreditation on heat pump installations and installers can achieve this either by becoming MCS certified themselves or by partnering with MCS certification umbrella schemes which Grant UK offer. 

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What is a WRAS Approved product?
Any water fitting, which when installed, will carry or receive water from the public mains water supply in the UK, must comply with the Water Supply (Water Fittings) Regulations or Scottish Byelaws. These require that a water fitting should not cause waste, misuse, undue consumption or contamination of the water supply and must be ‘of an appropriate quality and standard’.


How do I book onto a training course?

To book onto a course at Grant UK's Training Academy, you can either submit a booking enquiry via our website or you can contact our Training Department directly via training@grantuk.com. Please click here to view our product training and qualification courses, where you can read the course descriptions and submit a booking enquiry for upcoming course dates.

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How to become a heating engineer

Becoming a heating engineer requires in depth training, involving industry qualifications and product training. OFTEC, Gasafe and MCS are just three heating engineer qualifications that are widely recognised in the sector. Completing manufacturer’s product training is also very important, especially when you are intending to install an unfamiliar product like an air source heat pump for example. Grant UK’s Training Academy provide training and assessment for heating professionals include OFTEC qualifications, LOGIC training and product courses.

How to train as a heat pump installer?

If you are interested in becoming a heat pump installer, a good place to start is by completing manufacturer product training to learn more about heat pumps, how they work and their core specifications. The Grant UK Training Academy delivers air source heat pump training for heating engineers with this course available at our centres throughout England, Scotland and Wales. We also deliver heat pump qualification and assessment including OFTEC training and assessment and other industry qualifications. Please view our full course catalogue here. 

Do Grant UK provide RIBA approved CPD?

Yes, Grant UK is a member of the RIBA CPD Providers Network and our Team is able to deliver RIBA approved seminars and CPD on air source heat pumps, both in person and online. Please click here to read about our RIBA approved CPD seminars

How do I find the Grant eLearning Academy?

The link for the Grant eLearning Academy is www.grantelearning.com.

Do Grant offer online heat pump training?

Yes, the Grant eLearning Academy is home to a wide selection of training resources about heat pumps including express seminars on products and more in-depth online courses about heat pump installation, set-up, commissioning and maintenance. Learn more about the Grant eLearning Academy here.

What does ‘OFTEC registered’ mean?

To be OFTEC registered denotes that an individual is part of the OFTEC competent persons scheme. It provides registration for suitably qualified installers and technicians for technologies including oil-fired boilers, liquid biofuels and renewable heating systems to give a few examples. OFTEC registered individuals must fulfil specific experience and training prerequisites as well as passing the appropriate OFTEC course(s) and assessment and to OFTEC registrations are subject to renewals and refresher training. Read more about OFTEC certification and courses available here.

How do I train for OFTEC registration?

OFTEC registration is available for technicians and installers who work with oil-fired boilers and heating systems, heat pumps and renewable heating systems, and unvented hot water systems. Different levels of OFTEC certification are available and individuals seeking to apply to become OFTEC registered must fulfil the prerequisites, training and assessments specific to the OFTEC certification. You can read more about how to become OFTEC registered here and please click here to view the range of OFTEC courses available at Grant UK’s Training Academy.

Does an oil boiler installer require any registration?

It is not mandatory for an oil boiler installer to hold any specific registration, however, it is mandatory that any new oil boiler installation is notified to Building Control. To complete this notification to Building Control, the installer or engineer submitting the notification must be suitably qualified and registered to commission oil-fired heating systems and therefore sign them off for Building Control. If an installer does not hold the relevant qualification, such as the OFTEC OFT10-101 Qualification, they will need to approach an engineer who is qualified and registered to commission oil-fired heating systems in order to comply with Building Control and Regulations.

How to install an oil boiler heating system – where to start?

If you are new to working with oil boilers, undertaking some product training would be a good place to start to build your knowledge and understanding of how these heating systems work and how they should be correctly installed. This can include general oil boiler training, such as the Grant Vortex Condensing Boiler course, or more specific training such as a combi boiler course or a pressure jet oil burner course. Alongside manufacturer product training, you can also develop your knowledge about installing oil boilers by completing industry qualifications, such as OFTEC, and by speaking to your local Grant UK Area Sales Manager who can assist with oil boiler enquiries.

What qualifications do you need to fit heat pumps?

There are no specific qualifications needed to install an air source heat pump but it is strongly recommended that heating engineers complete heat pump product training prior to completing their first heat pump installation.

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How do you install a heat pump?

Installing an air source heat pump is different to installing a traditional fossil fuel boiler and every heat pump installation will be different – you can read our blog here to learn more about the best practices for installing heat pumps. Before installing a heat pump, it is important that heating engineers thoroughly understand how low temperature heating systems work, that they are confident in working with heat pumps and that they can provide their customers with in-depth handovers of the system.

If you are new to working with heat pumps, it would be recommended that you complete some heat pump training. This could include manufacturer heat pump training, such as the 1-day Aerona³ Heat Pump Installer Course or 1-day Aerona 290 Heat Pump Installer Course. You may also be interested in learning more about heat pump system design or by completing heat pump qualifications for MCS certification. You can view the complete list of heat pump training courses available at Grant UK’s Training Academy here.

Does the Grant UK Training Academy have a heat pump design course?

Yes, the Grant Air Source Heat Pump System Design course is 1-day course available for domestic heating and renewable installers. The course covers the basics of system design for Grant heat pumps including heat loss calculations, heat pump and heat emitter sizing and sound level calculation. Please view the full specification of this heat pump system design course here.

eLearning Academy

How do I find the Grant eLearning Academy?

The link for the Grant eLearning Academy is www.grantelearning.com.

How can you access the Grant eLearning Academy?

In order to access the Grant eLearning Academy and the online courses, users must first create an account. This is a really quick process that takes less than five minutes to complete. You will need an enrolment key (please use GUKWEB0820 if you are an installer or heating engineer, use GMERCH1120 if you are a merchant or use GUKSPEC21 if you are a specifier or architect), your company details, and you will also need to confirm your password for your account. Once you have successfully set up your account, you can start viewing the courses.

What is the enrolment key that is asked for during sign-up?

During the sign-up process, you will be prompted to enter an enrolment key which is a unique code. You will need this to hand when creating your account so please use enrolment key GUKWEB0820 (installers), GMERCH1120 (merchants) or GUKSPEC21 (specifiers & architects). 

Is the eLearning Academy aimed at heating professionals of all abilities and level of experience?

The eLearning Academy is open to heating engineers, installers and other professionals within the heating sector of all abilities. The courses vary in content so candidates can enrol onto and complete the training which best suits their requirements.

What topics are covered by the Grant eLearning Academy?

Renewable product training, from air source heat pumps and hybrids through to cylinders and heat emitters, are available on the eLearning Academy, covering topics from system design and product sizing through to heat emitter sizing and much more. Industry topics are also available including Building Regulations and HVO biofuels. Grant UK’s Training Team continuously add to the content on the eLearning Academy so candidates can return to the platform at any time to refresh their learning or expand it further into new areas.

What type of courses can you find in the Grant eLearning Academy?

There are a variety of courses available on the eLearning Academy including on-demand express courses and webinars and more in-depth seminars and product training courses.

How long does it take to complete on-demand courses? Is it done all in one sitting?

On-demand courses are split into modules and sessions which vary in running time – the Advance Installer courses are approximately 7½ hours in duration (excluding assessment) and the Installer courses are approximately 5½ hours in duration (excluding assessment). On-demand courses can be completed in multiple sittings and candidates can pause and resume courses at any time.

Are the courses chargeable?

There is a charge for some of the on-demand courses so please log onto the eLearning Academy for further information about the prices. Free training content is also accessible on the eLearning Academy with a selection of courses available for candidates to complete which do not have a charge.

Do you have to book a place?

There is no waiting list for the on-demand courses as candidates can self-enrol and start these courses straightaway.

How would you go about enrolling and completing an on-demand course?

To complete an on-demand course, simply log onto the eLearning Academy with your username/email and password, browse the course catalogue and select your chosen course. For free courses click ‘enrol’ and for chargeable courses click the price shown and follow the steps to checkout by credit/debit card. Once the transaction is complete, the purchased course will automatically show in the ‘My Courses’ section ready to be accessed.

Do you receive any qualifications following the completion of a course?

After completing a course on the Grant eLearning Academy, you will not receive a qualification but, depending on the level of training completed, the course could contribute towards G1 Installer Scheme accreditation or, with the CPD training for example, count towards personal development training hours.

Do you receive a certificate for completing a course?

Upon the successful completion of a course, the eLearning Academy will automatically issue a certificate as a record and evidence of the training completed. This certificate will not be emailed but it will be available to download in the ‘Transcripts’ section within your eLearning account.

Do all the courses involve an assessment?

No, only some of the courses involve an assessment. For example, the Grant Air Source Heat Pump Installer training courses do require candidates to successfully complete the online assessment. If a course does involve an assessment, this is clearly mentioned in the course description prior to enrolment.

What are the software requirements to participate in the courses offered on the Grant elearning Academy?

In order to participate in the online courses, candidates will need access to a computer or tablet with an internet connection. High speed broadband or sufficient 4G/5G mobile broadband is highly recommended for an optimal learning experience. Working speakers or headphones are also required as the courses have audio. 


If I experience a problem using the eLearning Academy, what do I do?

Should you experience a problem while using the eLearning Academy, please contact Grant UK’s Training Team on 01380 736920 or via email training@grantuk.com.

Data Protection

What is the GDPR?
The EU General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) comes into force across the European Union on 25th May 2018 and brings with it the most significant changes to data protection law in two decades. Founded on the basis of privacy by design and taking a risk-based approach, the GDPR has been designed to meet the requirements of the digital age. The 21st Century brings with it broader use of technology, new definitions of what constitutes personal data, and a vast increase in cross-border processing. The new Regulation aims to standardise data protection laws and processing across the EU; affording individuals stronger, more consistent rights to access and control their personal information.
How is Grant UK safeguarding my data under the GDPR?
Grant UK is committed to ensuring the security and protection of the personal information that we process, and to provide a compliant and consistent approach to data protection. We have always had a robust and effective data protection program in place which complies with existing law and abides by the data protection principles. However, we recognise the requirement and importance of updating and expanding this program to meet the demands of the GDPR and the UK’s Data Protection Bill. Grant UK is dedicated to safeguarding the personal information under our remit and in developing a data protection regime that is effective, fit for purpose and demonstrates an understanding of, and appreciation for the new Regulation.
What is a Subject Access Request (SAR)?
A Subject Access Request (SAR) is the right of an individual to request any personal data that Grant UK hold on their behalf. This right is a principle of the GDPR, designed to regulate the processing of information from which a natural living person can be identified either from the information itself or when combined with other data. We are committed to upholding the rights of individuals and have dedicated processes in place for providing access to personal information. Where requested, we will provide the following information: - • the purposes of the processing • the categories of personal data concerned • the recipient(s) or categories of recipient(s) to whom the personal data have been or will be disclosed • the envisaged period for which the personal data will be stored (or the criteria used to determine that period) • where the personal data was not collected directly from the individual, any available information as to its source
How can I make a Subject Access Request (SAR)?
A subject access request (SAR) is a request for access to the personal information that the Company holds about you, which we are required to provide under the GDPR (unless an exemption applies). The request doesn't have to specify it's a SAR or refer to the GDPR; it can be a general request for personal information. You can make this request in writing to our registered office address: FAO The Data Protection Manager, (GDPR Governance Group), Grant Engineering (UK) Ltd, Hopton House, Hopton Industrial Estate, Devizes, Wiltshire, SN10 2EU. Or, you can submit your access request electronically by email to info@grantuk.com. Where a request is received by electronic means, we will provide the requested information in a commonly used electronic form (unless otherwise requested by the data subject).
How do Grant UK process a Subject Access Request (SAR)?
Subject Access Requests (SAR) are passed to the Company’s Data Protection Governance Group as soon as received and a record of the request is made. The person in charge (Our Data Protection Manager) will use all reasonable measures to verify the identity of the individual making the access request, especially where the request is made using online services. We will utilise the request information to ensure that we can verify your identity and where we are unable to do so, we may contact you for further information, or ask you to provide evidence of your identity prior to actioning any request. This is to protect your information and rights. If a third party, relative or representative is requesting the information on your behalf, we will verify their authority to act for you and again, may contact you to confirm their identity and gain your authorisation prior to actioning the any request. Information Gathering If you have provided enough information in your SAR to collate the personal information held about you, we will gather all documents relating to you and ensure that the information required is provided in an acceptable format. If we do not have enough information to locate your records, we may contact you for further details. This will be done as soon as possible and within the timeframes set out below. Once we have collated all the personal information held about you, we will send this to you in writing (or in a commonly used electronic form if requested). The information will be in a concise, transparent, intelligible and easily accessible format, using clear and plain language.
Is there a charge for a Subject Access Request (SAR)?
SARs are always completed within 30-days and are provided free of charge. Where the request is made by electronic means, we provide the information in a commonly used electronic format, unless an alternative format is requested. Whilst we provide the information requested without a fee, further copies requested by the individual may incur a charge to cover our administrative costs. The Company always aim to provide the requested information at the earliest convenience, but at a maximum, 30 days from the date the request is received. However, where the retrieval or provision of information is particularly complex or is subject to a valid delay, the period may be extended by two further months. If this is the case, we will write to you within 30 days and keep you informed of the delay and provide the reasons.
What if you hold information about me that isn’t correct?
Under the GDPR, you have the right to request rectification of any inaccurate data held by us. Where we are notified of inaccurate data, and agree that the data is incorrect, we will amend the details immediately as directed by you and make a note on the system (or record) of the change and reason(s). We will rectify any errors within 30-days and inform you in writing of the correction and where applicable, provide the details of any third-party to whom the data has been disclosed. If for any reason, we are unable to act in response to a request for rectification and/or data completion, we will always provide a written explanation to you and inform you of your right to complain to the Supervisory Authority and to seek a judicial remedy. In certain circumstances, you may also have the right to request from the Company, the erasure of personal data or to restrict the processing of personal data where it concerns your personal information; as well as the right to object to such processing.
Where can I find further information on the GDPR?
If you would like further details on the Regulation or are unhappy with the way your data has been handled, please contact the Supervisory Authority - The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). They can be contacted at: - Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF. Telephone: 0303 123 1113 (local) / 01625 545 745 (national). Fax: 01625 524 510. Email: enquiries@ico.org.uk Web: www.ico.org.uk
How can I make a data protection complaint?
Every individual has the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority - the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), where they consider that the processing of personal data relating to them infringes the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) or we have breaches data protection law. The ICO with which the complaint has been lodged, is responsible for informing the complainant on the progress and the outcome of the complaint, including the possibility of a judicial remedy where the supervisory authority does not handle a complaint or does not inform the data subject within three months on the progress or outcome of the complaint lodged. The ICO can be contacted at: - Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF. Telephone: 0303 123 1113 (local) / 01625 545 745 (national). Fax: 01625 524 510. Email: enquiries@ico.org.uk Web: www.ico.org.uk

Oil Boiler Flues

Where can I read more about Grant flue systems?

To read more about the complete range of flue systems available in the Grant EZ-FIT Flue range, please visit www.grantuk.com/professional/products/flues.

Can you run a flexi-liner inside an existing flue?
Part J Building Regulations do not have any specific rulings relating to this. Installers should check with their local authority.
Can you have more than one 90° bend on a balanced flue?
We do not supply 90° bends in our flue systems, only in a starter kit. If it is absolutely necessary, then a “long turn” 90° bend may be constructed horizontally i.e. by connecting two 45° bends together.
Can you extend the “White System” Vertical Balanced Flue above the roof and terminate at high level?
It is not possible to extend the “White” Vertical Balanced Flue above the roof as the sections are not weatherproof and are designed purely for internal use.
Can the flex-liner be at an angle into the adaptor?
The flex-liner MUST be fitted vertically into the adaptor. Any deviation from the upright may allow condensate leaks through the liner.
Can you extend the flue on an external boiler?
There are hybrid kits in our flue guide, to allow horizontal or vertical extensions from an external boiler.
Can you run a “White System” vertical balanced flue inside a chimney?
It is not possible to fit a vertical balance flue inside a chimney. The chimney is open to the elements and the “White” system is not weatherproofed.
On the “White System” high level balanced flue, can you run horizontally as well as vertically?
It is possible to run horizontally as well as vertically. The total length must not exceed ten metres.
Can the Plume Diverter be fitted horizontally?
The plume diverter cannot be fitted horizontally. There are extra sections available, which include 45 bends, allowing the diverter to be angled but only at 45°. These bends can be used to install the diverter around soffits etc. The maximum height can be six metres but deduct 0.5 metres for every 45° bend used.
Can you have a 90° bend on a conventional flue?
OFTEC regulations do not allow any 90° bends. The reason is that it will cause restriction in natural draught flues.
Can Grant EZ-Fit flues be top or side exits?
The flues are suitable for rear, side and top exits.

Biomass Boilers

Do Grant UK supply biomass boilers to the UK mainland market?

Grant UK no longer supply new biomass boilers and ancillary products to the mainland UK market (including England, Scotland, Wales, Isle of Man and Channel Islands).

Are Biomass Spares still available from Grant UK?

Grant UK supply the full complement of spares to support Grant biomass installations in the field – please visit www.grantuk.com/spares for further details.

Is Technical Support available for Grant biomass installations in the field?

Technical support for all Grant biomass installations that are under warranty is available, subject to the Terms and Conditions of the product's guarantee and subject to the product being correctly registered with Grant UK. Please call 01380 736920 to speak to a member of Grant UK’s Technical Team with the biomass boiler’s serial number and installation address details to hand.

Fan Convectors

Do Grant UK supply fan convectors to the UK mainland market?

Grant UK no longer supply the Solo Fan Convector range to the mainland UK market (including England, Scotland, Wales, Isle of Man and Channel Islands).

Is Technical Support available for Grant Solo Fan Convector installations in the field?

Technical support for Grant Solo Fan Convector installations that are under warranty is available, subject to the Terms and Conditions of the product's guarantee and subject to the product being correctly registered with Grant UK. Please call 01380 736920 to speak to a member of Grant UK’s Technical Team with the installation address details to hand.

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