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Heat pumps and hot water performance

The water temperatures generated by a heat pump will be lower than those produced by a traditional condensing boiler. When considering hot water requirements as part of an air source heat pump system, time selection and programming will require a slightly different approach to that of a conventional gas or oil boiler. This is because an air source heat pump is not designed to supply space heating and hot water at the same time.

When a domestic hot water (DHW) heating period is requested, a Grant heat pump will give priority to hot water production and temporarily deactivate the central heating. To limit the time the central heating is inactive and to maximise central heating recovery, it is recommended that individual DHW timings are limited to short periods of no more than one hour, and these DHW period should be limited to three or four times a day. Programming DHW heating times to preference early morning and late evening will further enhance hot water recovery times and ensure the space heating temperature is maintained throughout the day.

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