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How heating and hot water controls can reduce fuel bills

The right controls will let you set your heating and hot water to come on and switch off when you need them. This means that you do not waste energy with your boiler heating the home when it is not needed. For example, you can programme your thermostat so that it turns your boiler off when you are at work or asleep, times when the average temperature of your rooms will likely be lower compared to occupied periods during the day.

Correctly set up controls can also help you heat the areas of your home you want and allow you to control how warm you want each area to be. For instance, if you spend most of your time in the living room during the evening, you can prioritize heating that area while keeping the rest of the house cooler (you can find out more about zoning oil boilers here). Meanwhile, the room temperatures you set can also determine the amount of energy you use.

What temperature should I set my room thermostat?

Generally speaking, your room thermostat should be set between 18°C and 22°C, depending on the type of room, how often it is occupied and your personal temperature preferences. If you turn your thermostat down a little, by one or two degrees, then you could save money on your fuel bills because you will be reducing the demand on your boiler and therefore the amount of fuel it uses. Click here to learn more about how you can save energy by turning down your room thermostat.

Whatever the age of your boiler, fitting a boiler thermostat, a timer or programmer, a room thermostat and thermostatic radiator valves (TRVs) is recommended as it can help you save money on your fuel bills by helping you to accurately control your boiler and wider central heating system, reducing energy wastage.

Part L Building Regulations and new boilers

Correct boiler controls can also help to ensure that your system meets the requirements of Part L of the Building Regulations which require thermostatic room controls, such as TRVs, room thermostats etc), to be fitted in every room when a replacement heat source is installed (for example a new boiler). The aim of this regulation is to provide room-by-room temperature control, preventing rooms from overheating which in turn can reduce wasting energy.

Turning down your room thermostat could help reduce your energy bills

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