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My radiators are not as hot as they used to be - why?

If you are finding that some of your radiators are not getting as hot as they used to be, this could be due to a couple of reasons. If your radiators are cold at the bottom or they have cold patches and are unevenly distributing heat, this can typically be the results of too much air in the radiators or as a result of sludge build-up inside the radiator.

If there is too much air within your radiators, this can be resolved by bleeding your radiators which is a relatively simple process although do have a cloth nearby to clear up any discharge.

If, after bleeding your radiators, the issue is not resolved, it is likely that there is a build up of sludge in your radiator. Over time, rust and dirt naturally build up within the heating water until eventually the formation of the thick, brown substance, known as sludge, develops. Please speak to your heating engineer if you suspect sludge build up in your radiators.

The information provided here is advice only - if you are not happy to check your product, please contact a heating engineer to assist.

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