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Are there any issues when using setback controls for UFH?

When the setback facility is being used in a well-insulated, airtight property, the room temperature can be maintained for a prolonged period and may not drop low enough to provide a demand during the setback period.

A typical setback arrangement would be to reduce the temperature from 21˚C to 18˚C during the night-time hours between 11pm until 5am - this will mean that at 11pm the demand will switch off and will only be energised when the room temperature drops below 18˚C. When the room temperature eventually drops enough or the setback demand period ends, the central heating demand will be energised and because of the extended period of time that the central heating has been off, the heat source (such as a heat pump) will have to work harder and for longer to warm up the cold floor slab.

To help to prevent this from happening, it is recommended to avoid or reduce the setback time, increase the setback temperature (to reduce the differential) or by using a combination of both (depending on the ambient conditions). By correctly setting up the setback controls, this will help to prevent the floor slab from cooling by allowing heat to be added to the slab during a setback period.

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